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Malebranche and Miracles

Posted on:2017-06-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Tiller, MichaelaFull Text:PDF
Malebranche is an occasionalist philosopher, which is to say he believes that God is the only cause with all creations being passive. He is also a Catholic priest, and therefore committed to the truth of his faith. Malebranche therefore must account for what miracles are in a metaphysical system where their direct causation by the divine does not provide any special distinction. This paper locates Malebranche's solution to the apparent difficulty in a division between cases where God acts according to laws of nature and those where intervention is necessary lest the laws of nature lead God to negate any divine attribute.
Keywords/Search Tags:God
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