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Petrologie et geochimie isotopique de xenolites mantelliques de la Cordillere Canadienne (French and English text)

Posted on:2000-11-08Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Peslier, Anne HeleneFull Text:PDF
In this thesis, the mantle lithosphere of the southern Canadian Cordillera was studied via petrological, geochemical and isotopic techniques. Mantle xenoliths were sampled from mid-Tertiary to recent alkali basalt volcanic centers throughout various orogenic belts and accreted tectonic terranes.; The dominant type of peridotite among the southern Canadian Cordillera xenoliths is spinel lherzolite, with chemical compositions consistent with residues from up to 15% extraction of a picritic melt from a pyrolite type source. Rare harzburgites and dunites, on the other hand, require up to 25 and 30% melting respectively. Some of the depleted-lherzolites, harzburgites and dunites, however, are too Fe-rich to be the simple residues of melting and likely result from the interaction of the peridotite with an alkali melt at depth.; Lherzolites from the entire Canadian Cordillera show a positive correlation of their 187OS/ 188OS with indices of fusion such as Al2O3, and heavy rare earth elements (HREE). This likely reflects Re/Os fractionation during various degrees of partial melting of the mantle, followed by a long period of radiogenic ingrowth. The correlation between 187OS/188Os and Lu has been used to infer a model age of 1.12 ± 0.26 Ga for the mantle lithosphere beneath the Canadian Cordillera. The same age is found in mantle xenoliths from within individual belts and tectonic terranes of the Canadian Cordillera. A Re-depletion age in one harzburgite that apparently escapes Os metasomatism, and Hf model ages for two unmetasomatized lherzolites also give similar ages.; The presence of abundant harzburgites enriched in incompatible trace elements in some northern xenolith sites has been interpreted to result from metasomatism-induced melting linked to the presence of an anomalous high-temperature zone in the mantle at more than 100 km depth beneath these sites (Francis, 1987; Frederiksen et al., 1998; Shi et al., 1998). Harzburgites from both the southern and northern Canadian Cordillera have 187Os/ 188Os ratios correlating with 1/Os and plotting above the regional 187Os/188Os vs Lu correlation of the lherzolites. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Canadian cordillera, Mantle, Os/
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