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Read blood: A literary history of the vampire in British and American fiction

Posted on:2001-04-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tarleton State UniversityCandidate:Fay, James DavidFull Text:PDF
This paper will examine the figure of the vampire, as it appears in British and American fiction. This study will encompass an examination of the presented characters, supernatural and human, in the literature---their abilities, weaknesses, the various methods in which they have been presented, their place in society, and the different types of physical characteristics they have been given. The data will be collected from 115 vampiric novels and short stories; articles and reference material will be used for support. In this literary history, an emphasis will be placed on the time periods in which the fictions were written and the contributions of the various works to the development of the vampiric genre. Conclusions will be based on the changes the fictions have created in this genre.
Keywords/Search Tags:British and american, Literary history
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