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A legal analysis of twelve public university speech codes

Posted on:2001-08-16Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of South AlabamaCandidate:Killingsworth, Stacey ColeFull Text:PDF
Since the 1980s, university administrators and legal scholars have been engrossed in the ongoing concern about hate speech on public college and university campuses. The First Amendment guarantees all individuals the right to freedom of speech. However, it has been argued that hate speech on college campuses should not be tolerated, therefore, many university have adopted speech codes to combat the problem. To date, three speech codes have been challenged in federal district court and have been found unconstitutional.;Using court tests applied to three speech code cases, five hate speech cases and other First Amendment legal doctrine, this study analyzes twelve speech codes to find if the codes are likely to be found constitutional if challenged in the courts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Speech, University
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