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Are subcategories in attention deficit disorder explained by gender differences

Posted on:2001-08-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Salisbury UniversityCandidate:Rosenthal-Ayres, Gabrielle AFull Text:PDF
The current literature was reviewed to determine if inattentive and impulsive-hyperactive subtypes of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) could be explained by gender differences, Studies selected were limited to children and directly compared boys and girls on symptomology, comorbidity, biology, or social factors. Most studies supporting the existence of gender differences were criticized on statistical grounds. Finally, because male-female differences were discussed in general but not with respect to male-female differences in the subcategories, conclusions that subcategory sex ratios can be explained by male-female differences remain speculative.
Keywords/Search Tags:Explained, Gender
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