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With an elitist glance and a condescending sneer: Critical responses to the novels of Tom Robbins

Posted on:2001-02-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Hennessy, KathleenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2465390014452106Subject:American literature
Although widely read and often compared with other postmodern novelists, Tom Robbins has not received a fair amount of critical attention and his works are reputed to have generally met with disfavor by reviewers. This study examines the body of critical review, includes both quantitative and qualitative analysis, determines that his works have indeed received more mixed and negative reviews than positive, and examines specific complaints and comments of reviewers. The study finds that implicit reviewer bias, flawed arguments, a derisive tone, and an overall lack of competent evaluation pervade the body of critical review. While some do provide a careful consideration of the text, making valid, supported arguments, as many critics do not. Justification for dismissing the works of this author as not worthy of serious attention is as yet insufficient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Critical
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