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A collection of Saulteaux texts with translation and linguistic analyses (Saskatchewan)

Posted on:2002-01-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of Regina (Canada)Candidate:Logan, Harold JeffreyFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this thesis is to collect a range of Saulteaux (Plains Ojibwa) narratives by speakers from two Saskatchewan reserves, Cote and Muscowpetung, and to then transcribe, translate and analyse these previously unrecorded narratives. Beyond the texts collected by the author, there are also texts from existing sources. The work will be a benefit for language learners and teachers by providing running texts, as well as descriptions of life during the 1930s and into the present---a history that is often overlooked.; The contribution of this work to linguistics is that through the analyses of the texts, issues such as obviation, reduplication, topic and focus, and the phonemic status of the obstruent class will be discussed. The descriptive model of this work is that of classical structuralism, as reflected in, for example, Bloomfield or Hockett's studies of Algonquian, but the author will also include analytical models from current linguistic theories where these prove insightful. The author will also refer the interested reader to differing analysis or theoretical issues whenever possible---often these references do not fit into the analysis of this thesis but should not be overlooked.
Keywords/Search Tags:Texts
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