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On the road to enculturation: Selected experiences of transition for contemporary immigrants to Canada

Posted on:2003-03-06Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:Acadia University (Canada)Candidate:Tarkowski, Grzegorz (Gregory)Full Text:PDF
From various perspectives and for numerous purposes the issues of transition and immigration had been researched independently. Although the two vary in content, they find themselves entwined in the hearts and lives of many immigrants, often as a single entity. The present study examines transition and immigration from the perspective of new immigrants to Canada. The research questions are discussed within the scope of a phenomenological paradigm.;The interviewees represent various walks of life and different cultures. The common element of the interviewees is that they are newcomers to Canada who have been here not longer than two years. Each person was interviewed separately and the direction of the conversation was modified by using supportive guiding questions. The major themes were as follows: major markers of successful and unsuccessful transition toward full enculturation, language acquisition, self-actualization 'now' and 'before,' and ethnic-cultural-identity retention. The proposed recommendations are based on the interviewees' perceptions of what worked and what did not, with respect to their enculturation. The suggestions for psychological assistance are derived from the analysis of the interview material. Specific areas of counselling interventions are related to cultural sensitivity especially in the area of understanding the immigrant's cultural background, the client's life history, and altered self-image. Emphasis is on understanding the immigrant's social and psychological spheres of entity in relation to new situations, within the context of transitional processes which are also considered.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transition, Enculturation, Immigrants
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