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Heritage: Three choreographic approaches

Posted on:2003-02-11Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Oleson, Carrie ElizabethFull Text:PDF
Three works were produced (Whenerer You're Ready—A Gift for Carol, Pecking Order, and Enrapture) using three different choreographic approaches, in pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree in Dance from California State University, Long Beach. The works were performed on campus at the Martha B. Knoebel Dance Theater: the first dance in concert on 22–25 February 2001, the second in concert on 27–30 September 2001, and the third in concert on 21–24 February 2002.; Whenever You're Ready, a solo created and performed by this choreographer, chronicled the journey of a loved one's death. Pecking Order, inspired by Mongolian throat singers/Tuva voices, was created for eightht women, including this choreographer. Enrapture , a dance that represented mentorship, was performed by three women, including this choreographer and her mentor, Professor Susan McLain. These works were documented and analyzed in this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Three, Works
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