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Heroes and the collective unconscious: Explorations of mythic relevance in film

Posted on:2011-10-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Shepherd, Elizabeth JFull Text:PDF
Mythic narrative has always brought people together, aided in explaining existential dilemmas, acted as mirror to intrapsychic processes, and helped to move consciousness forward through time. Employing hermeneutic methodoly, this thesis is supported by literature pertaining to the collective unconscious and its manifestations, the functions of myth within society, and the concept of film as a new mythic medium for meeting the unconscious needs of a given population by mirroring psychological elements, encouraging healthy projection and alignment, and pointing toward potential within the future. The hero's journey is explored in the film version of The Lord of the Rings trilogy; this ancient storyline is reenvisioned to offer relevant and timely guidance. Tracking the mythic themes within film not only reveals the psychological climate of its audience, but also can assess for possible directions of growth and further integration both on a personal and global level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mythic, Unconscious, Film
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