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L'apprentissage transformationnel de la masculinite

Posted on:2012-03-17Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Bizot, DominicFull Text:PDF
In a social context where gender conventions are renegotiated, the exploration of ways taken by men to (learn to) change their behavior, as well as their beliefs and knowledge of masculinity, is particularly important.;Situated in the fields of Men's Studies and adult education, the study explores the learning process of adults being part of the "Reseau Hommes Quebec" (RHQ). Using qualitative analysis methodology, semi-directed interviews were conducted with 16 members of this mutual aid organization aiming on the question of masculine traditional gender roles and encouraging the personal development of men. If most of the interviewees have not thoroughly transformed their conception of masculinity, which often remains abstract, their way to conceive themselves as men has changed radically. Emotions and relations have played a predominant role in the development of a critical reflection on gender, on their part as well as on others'. Most often, they had the courage to feel, to be and to act in an unobserved way with other men. This represented, for practically every interviewee, a real internal revolution making them realize that they were sensitive, that they needed others, and that they could get close to other men without threatening their own (hetero) sexual orientation.;This thesis equally brings in perspective that the group context is a crucial element permitting men to evolve progressively. The unseen masculine socialization experienced in the Reseau (RHQ) has allowed all of the interviewees to discover different masculinity models. As well as offering them unique opportunities to develop relational, social, and communicational skills which promote harmony with their close ones, the RHQ groups have permitted the interviewees to experience a feeling of communitas, an impression of sharing masculine intimacy.;This new interaction mode depends on regulations and rites in effect within the RHQ. They emphasize the personal and subjective nature of communication, challenging therein the traditional masculinity precepts. In intensifying that men develop a critical conscience allowing them to recognize and understand the importance of hegemonic masculine culture and its impact on their lives, this research reveals the potential of transformational learning performed by the 16 interviewees in the RHQ support groups for men. From this awareness will result a new conceptualization of being a man that will lead participants to perceive themselves otherwise, to believe in themselves as in their capacity to take control over their own lives.;Finally, new reflection avenues are presented to guide future research related to perspective transformation. Notably, it is proposed that as well as having recourse to semi-directed retrospective interviews, to combine qualitative and quantitative methodology, to proceed with systematic observation of learning situations (group meetings), and to avoid concentrating exclusively on those who supposedly underwent the transformation, but to widen this data collect to other sources of information (family, work colleagues, neighbors, individual therapists), all in a enlarged perspective.;Keywords : masculinity, adult, learning, perspective transformation, Reseau Hommes Quebec, men's group, critical reflection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Men, Transformation, Masculinity, RHQ, Perspective
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