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Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble

Posted on:2012-07-11Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Macura, Nebojsa SFull Text:PDF
In many ways, the Concerto for Piano and Wind Ensemble reflects my experiences at the University of Cincinnati. Composed mainly during the first four months of 2011, and originally intended as a summary of the various compositional techniques honed during my doctoral studies, the work also gained a programmatic element, seemingly without any conscious effort on my part. Although the concerto is in one continuous movement, it is divided into three main sections, each alluding to my state of mind during my three years as a full-time student at UC. Approximately 27 minutes in duration, this is my largest composition so far.
Keywords/Search Tags:Concerto
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