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Differentiation of cognitive abilities in children and adolescents

Posted on:2000-07-03Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of FloridaCandidate:Kane, Harrison DanielFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390014967244Subject:Cognitive Psychology
Most psychologists and educators operate on the implicit assumption that intelligence is a linear construct. Stated differently, the assumption is that people simply have more intelligence than their low gifted poem Similarly, retarded individuals an thought to have less intelligence. In contrast to this widely accepted belief, this study poses the alternative hypothesis that intelligence is qualitatively different in various populations. Applying confirmatory factor analysis to the standardization sample of the Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Ability, this study examined the structure of intellect across ability and age. We the structure of intelligence was identical across age and ability levels, significant differences were noted in factor loadings, error, and unique variances.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intelligence
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