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A process for the design of outdoor health care environments

Posted on:2000-08-16Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Burcher, Lise MarieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390014963065Subject:Landscape architecture
The physical environment of health care settings has a profound influence on the delivery of health care and auxiliary services as well as effecting patient behaviors and well-being. Creating and managing optimal hospital environments for patients, however, is a complex and long-term task. This study was conducted to explore and advance the state of the art in designing environments for people with specialized needs. Through this exploration, a process was developed to guide design development within a comprehensive facility design process.;To test this process, the author used it to develop a program for the design of a garden for long-term patients exhibiting advanced stages of dementia at Parkwood Hospital in London, Ontario. From a series of explorations addressing patient behaviors, abilities and impairments, design imperatives were developed. These are---Diversity, Discovery, Complexity, Engagement, Connection, Ritual, Control, Manipulation, Accomplishment, Temporal Awareness and Containment. These imperatives were then used to guide the development of the design program enabling an outcome evaluation of the process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health care, Process
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