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The perceptions of chronic illness among elderly Latino peopl

Posted on:2002-09-15Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Amaya, Felipe LuisFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390014951711Subject:Social work
The purpose of this study was to provide a qualitative analysis of the perceptions of chronic illness among elderly Latino people with a focus on four principal areas: culture, religion, family, and language.;A total of 14 older Latino adults participated in in-depth interviews lasting about 45 minutes each. The interviews were based on an interview guide developed by the researcher and containing 23 questions focusing on demographics and on each of the four principal areas of the study.;The study provided a descriptive overview of the perceptions of chronic illness among the participants in relation to the four principal areas of the study. The study also discovered differences in perception between women and men, native-born participants and foreign-born participants, Catholic participants and non-Catholic participants, and English-speaking participants and Spanish-speaking participants.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chronic illness among, Perceptions, Latino, Participants, Four principal areas
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