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Occupational risk factors for renal cell carcinoma: A case-control study in Montreal

Posted on:2000-08-12Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Hua, YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390014462372Subject:Health Sciences
Renal cell carcinoma, which accounts for 85% of all kidney cancers, is among the ten leading malignancies in industrialized countries. To identify occupational risk factors for cancer, a multi-site case-control study was conducted in Montreal; renal cell carcinoma was one of the sites. A total of 142 cases of renal cell cancer and 2,433 controls were interviewed in this study. Complete occupation histories were obtained, and a team of industrial hygienists and chemists estimated each subject's exposure to a list of industrial substances. Statistical analyses were carried out to estimate the association between renal cell cancer and each non-occupational and occupational variable. Among non-occupational variables collected and analysed, increased risks were observed for highest level of body mass index (BMI) and a previous history of hypertension. Negative associations were found for tea and coffee consumption. Increased risks were found in the following industries: printing related service, laundries, military, wholesale and retail trade industries. Increased risks were found in the following occupations: managers, plumbers, welders, printers, nursery workers, and aircraft mechanics. Exposure to the following substances significantly increased the risks for renal cell carcinoma: hair dust, felt dust, styrene-butadiene rubber, ozone, hydrogen sulphide, inorganic acid solution, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, jet fuel, aviation gasoline, jet fuel engine emissions, ink, chromium compounds, and ultraviolet radiation. The above findings were not adjusted for mutual confounding. After adjustment for known risk factors using multivariate logistic regression models, one non-occupational and several occupational risk factors were associated with renal cell carcinoma. These were: high BMI, asbestos, hair dust, felt dust, styrene-butadiene rubber, ozone, exposed to any of jet fuel, aviation gasoline, and jet fuel engine emission, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and ultraviolet radiation. These are leads to be explored in other work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Renal cell carcinoma, Occupational risk factors, Jet fuel, Acid, Dust
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