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Studies in nonlinear optics and functional magnetic resonance imaging

Posted on:2001-04-07Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Case Western Reserve UniversityCandidate:Dai, TehuiFull Text:PDF
There are two parts in this thesis. The first part will involve a study in the anomalous dispersion phase matched second-harmonic generation, and the second part will be a study in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and a biophysical model of the human muscle.;In part I, we report on a series of tricyanovinylaniline chromophores for use as dopants in poled poly(methyl methacrylate) waveguides for anomalous-dispersion phase-matched second-harmonic generation. Second-harmonic generation measurements as a function of mode index confirmed anomalous dispersion phase-matching efficiencies as large as 245%/Wcm2 over a propagation length of ∼35 mum. The waveguide coupling technique limited the interaction length. The photostability of the chromophores was measured directly and found to agree qualitatively with second-harmonic measurements over time and was found to be improved over previously reported materials.;In part II, we designed a system that could record joint force and surface electromyography (EMG) simultaneously with fMRI data. I-Egh quality force and EMG data were obtained at the same time that excellent fMRI brain images were achieved. Using this system we determined the relationship between the fMRI-measured brain activation and the handgrip force, and between the fMRI-measured brain activation and the EMG of finger flexor muscles. We found that in the whole brain and in the majority of motor function-related cortical fields, the degree of muscle activation is directly proportional to the amplitude of the brain signal determined by the fMRI measurement. The similarity in the relationship between muscle output and fMRI signal in a number of brain areas suggests that multiple cortical fields are involved in controlling muscle force. The factors that may contribute to the fMRI signals are discussed.;A biophysical twitch force model was developed to predict force response under electrical stimulation. Comparison between experimental and modeled force profiles, peak forces, and force duration shows excellent agreement between the model and the experimental data. It is concluded that the present model allows us to reproduce the main features of muscle activation under stimulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Muscle, Force, Part, Model, Activation
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