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Contemporary medical science: Perceptions and practice

Posted on:2001-12-24Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at AshevilleCandidate:Kim, Hannah Sung-HyunFull Text:PDF
The question, "How scientific is the practice of modern medicine perceived to be?" was posed in order to explore public perceptions of the relationship between medicine and science, its effectiveness as a basis for healing, and how science is used as a justification for healing, as seen from the unique perspectives of patients and health care professions. This thesis explored the nature of individual's perceptions of medical practice as revealed in subjective accounts of their personal experiences, Respondents included medical doctors, patients and an alternative care professional. The method employed for the purpose of this study was the use of lengthy, in-depth interviews with several carefully selected respondents which yielded a collection of subjective experiences or accounts which were analyzed, using primarily a qualitative, content analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical, Science, Perceptions
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