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Healing presence: Experiencing the medicine of the naturopathic relationship. An organic inquiry

Posted on:2004-02-05Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Saybrook Graduate School and Research CenterCandidate:Curry, DeahFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011974202Subject:Health Sciences
Subtle energy in healing environments is minimally addressed in psychological and medical literatures. Clients' experiences of somatosensory healing presence have been mostly overlooked. This study explores clients' healing presence experiences in order to expand clinical theory, primarily within the field of naturopathic medicine. Healing presence is tentatively identified as an affective quality with somatosensory components, felt by clients, which changes their state from suffering toward a sense of well-being.; I used the organic inquiry approach to qualitative research, which pursues disciplined knowing as a sacred endeavor. I performed procedures within an atmosphere of sacred space, and invited all participants to engage in the process in partnership with spirit. I interviewed eight naturopathic clients who have experienced healing presence, who were interested in exploring it, and who are self-reflective. The formal research question was: In an environment where clients are seeking healing, how does having a somatosensory experience identified as healing presence impact the experience of healing, what is changed in how clients view their world, and how might this, finally, impact healing?; Qualitative assessments were performed involving in-depth semi-structured interview; brief questionnaire; and creative arts activity to capture experience in painting, or clay sculpting. Interviewees reviewed vignettes, and identified key descriptors. In follow-up sessions, interviewees gave responses to data synthesis, and reflected on participating in research.; A resonance panel of three naturopathic physicians performed data analysis procedures, thereby enriching the depth of the study. Chesler's Sequential Analysis was applied to discern key characteristics, and generate a mini-theory. A research associate provided a check on the development of meaningful generative knowledge.; Findings suggest healing presence may be understood in part as a subtle energetic event experienced in the body, and perceived in the heart and mind. Healing presence may arise from some types of promoting and co-creative interactions that convey special meaning for a clinician (or other catalyst) and an experient. That it may be linked with lasting or transformative change suggests that healing presence might be, at minimum, a type of psychospiritual medicine experience that naturopathic, and other clinicians, may desire to incorporate intentionally into the clinical interaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Healing presence, Naturopathic, Medicine, Experience, Clients
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