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Exploring home-based occupational therapy intervention with caregivers of the elderly

Posted on:2004-03-10Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:D'Youville CollegeCandidate:Brown, Rachel RFull Text:PDF
Limited research has been conducted on how occupational therapists, when implementing treatment, address the concerns of caregivers of the elderly. This study involved conducting a semi-structured interview with three registered occupational therapists and two individuals who were caregivers for an elderly relative. The study sought to understand how the occupational therapists utilized an understanding of the caregivers' situations and goals to guide treatment sessions. Caregivers were interviewed to explore what effects, if any, the occupational therapist had on his or her caregiving experience. The data was organized into themes according to the literature review, the model of human occupation, and the research questions. The results revealed that the occupational therapists expressed similar techniques and experiences while the caregivers expressed very different experiences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Occupational, Caregivers
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