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Autism: Perspectives for genetic counselors

Posted on:2004-11-29Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Sarah Lawrence CollegeCandidate:Trevors, Christopher DaleFull Text:PDF
This paper serves several purposes: firstly to review the available scientific and psychosocial literature on autism and secondly to identify a potential role for genetic counselors in dealing with autistic families based on their professional strengths. Several studies have demonstrated that the incidence of autism has been increasing over time, but conflicting studies question whether the increase in numbers is real or a result of increased awareness and changes made in the DSM diagnostic criteria. Despite an increased awareness, the etiology of autism is still poorly understood. It has been recognized that inheritance is at least partially responsible for the autistic phenotype. Genetic counselors can help parents understand the recurrence risks while also helping to frame literature on etiology, natural history, and available therapies in a coherent manner. Although few meaningful scientific answers have arisen from the vast amount of research on autism, genetic counselors can make a significant impact on families though support of emotional and psychological needs. Genetic counselors need to have an awareness of the potential affects of autism on individual family members and their relationships and be capable to refer families to available community resources. These services can have an enormous affect on an autistic family's ability to cope and manage their situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Autism, Genetic counselors
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