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Osteoclast cytoskeleton changes during fusion

Posted on:2002-01-27Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Zeng, LeiFull Text:PDF
In this project, the structure of two major components of osteoclast cytoskeleton - actin and microtubules are described and the role of the microtubule in aggregation of nuclei during osteoclast fusion is explored. In the attached osteoclast, actin forms a ring-like structure composed of bundle-like actin filaments and dot-like podosomes in the periphery, and microtubules form a mesh-like structure around multiple nuclei and radiate to the periphery of the cytoplasm. During the process of osteoclast fusion, microtubules from different individual osteoclasts intertwine with each other and form a bundle-like structure between different groups of nuclei. A microtubule disruptor - methyl carbamate (MBC) was used to explore the role of microtubules in the aggregation of nuclei from different osteoclasts during fusion. These results indicate that microtubules do not play a major role in the aggregation of nuclei during osteoclast fusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Osteoclast, Fusion, Microtubules, Structure
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