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Planning healthcare for the medically uninsured

Posted on:2002-12-03Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at GalvestonCandidate:Woodson, Justin TrevorFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011493905Subject:Health Sciences
The population of medically uninsured persons as well as the cost of providing medical care to this population has been rising over the past several years. Many communities are facing a crisis in managing this problem and, in the absence of "Universal" medical care, are attempting to develop plans to address how they can best provide care to their medically uninsured residents. Moreover, very little information is available in the literature about how to do this. In this paper, a review is presented of the literature as pertains to planning for providing healthcare to the uninsured at the level of the local community. Additionally, an examination is presented of several successful indigent healthcare models as identified by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) Models That Work Campaign . These programs were reviewed for common elements, and a simple survey for expert opinion was conducted of the directors of selected programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medically, Uninsured, Care
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