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The effect of epidural agents in initiation of breastfeeding on the newborn infant

Posted on:2002-03-18Degree:M.S.NType:Thesis
University:Medical College of Ohio at ToledoCandidate:Yeack, Jeanne LinesFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011492676Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of the retrospective, descriptive, correlation study was to determine if epidural anesthesia effects breastfeeding initiation of an infant during the first 48 hours following birth. A secondary purpose is to determine if epidural anesthesia agent's volume and duration affects the number of times an infant is actually offered the breast and the volume of liquids given to the infant during the first 48 hours following birth.; This study compared time needed following birth to establish first effective breastfeeding as is documented by the postpartum nurses during the hospital stay. All findings were noted to not be of significance and are inconclusive. These findings may be related to the limited sample size of 28 epidural dyads, and 18 non-epidural dyads. Trends were noted between the two groups supporting the literature, that epidurals do have an effect on the infant's ability and opportunity to breastfeed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Epidural, Infant, Breastfeeding
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