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The Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities Test: Implications for individuals with autism

Posted on:2003-12-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Morris, Dayna EliseFull Text:PDF
The Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities test (ABLA) has been a useful tool in the development of various training programs for individuals with developmental disabilities (DD). Although ABLA research has focused almost exclusively on its utility with this population, there is currently interest in its application to individuals with Autism. This study is the first of a series of studies that were designed to address this issue. The results of the current study support the applicability of the ABLA to this population given its highly reliable administration, concurrent validity with established measures and confirmed hierarchy. However, the meaning and implications of the ABLA's results require further exploration prior to its application.
Keywords/Search Tags:ABLA, Individuals
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