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Neuronal network analyses in vitro of acute individual and combined responses to fluoxetine and ethanol

Posted on:2003-08-27Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of North TexasCandidate:Xia, YunFull Text:PDF
Embryonic murine neuronal networks cultured on microelectrode arrays were used to quantify acute electrophysiological effects of fluoxetine and ethanol. Spontaneously active frontal cortex cultures showed highly repeatable, dose-dependent sensitivities to both compounds. Cultures began to respond to fluoxetine at 3 μM and were shut off at 10–16 μM. EC50s mean ± S.D. for spike and burst rates were 4.1 ± 1.5 μM and 4.5 ± 1.1 μM (n = 14). The fluoxetine inhibition was reversible and without effect on action potential wave shapes. Ethanol showed initial inhibition at 20 mM, with spike and burst rate EC50s at 52.0 ± 17.4 mM and 56.0 ± 17.0 mM (n = 15). Ethanol concentrations above 100–140 mM led to cessation of activity. Although ethanol did not change the shape and amplitude of action potentials, unit specific effects were found. The combined application of ethanol and fluoxetine was additive. Ethanol did not potentiate the effect of fluoxetine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fluoxetine, Ethanol
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