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DNA Methylation Changes at Promoters of Endothelial Cell-Enriched Genes during in vitro Differentiation

Posted on:2012-04-30Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Kop, AnnaFull Text:PDF
This study examined DNA methylation patterns at promoters of endothelial cell (EC)-enriched genes during differentiation of mouse ES cells towards the EC. We have previously shown that eNOS, CD31, VE-cadherin and vWF, which have an EC-enriched pattern of gene expression are differentially methylated between EC and vascular smooth muscle cells. Given that differential promoter DNA methylation is functionally important we asked when these distinct patterns are established. Using the hanging drop method to differentiate ES cells, followed by FACS, we isolated early (EB-day4 VEGFR2-positive) and late (EB-day7 CD31-positive) endothelial progenitor cells. Though current paradigms suggest that lineage-restricted genes are methylated in ES cells, we show heterogeneous promoter DNA methylation. We show DNA demethylation at the CD31 promoter in EB-day 7 CD31-positive cells. In contrast, the eNOS promoter is still heavily methylated in EB-day 7 CD31 positive cells compared with murine EC where there is no DNA methylation.
Keywords/Search Tags:DNA methylation, ES cells, Promoter, Endothelial
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