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Hospital pharmacy clinical practice: supporting stakeholders during change and transition

Posted on:2012-06-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:van Haaften, DebFull Text:PDF
Clinical pharmacy services are rapidly evolving necessitating changes in models of care. Pharmacists and Clinical Practice Leaders (CPLs) from Alberta Health Services (AHS) in the Edmonton Area were interviewed and surveyed to understand their experiences during change and transition. CPLs are responsible for implementing new models of clinical service and coaching individual pharmacists. This action research was conducted in accordance with the ethics requirements of Royal Roads University and the University of Alberta on behalf of Alberta Health Services and focused on the effects of change and transition for these individuals. The results elucidated four areas for improvement that included working conditions, relationships, communication and implementation of clinical practice change. There were also examples where respondents stated they were well supported. Based on these findings recommendations for leadership development to support pharmacists, CPLs, and managers during change and transition are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Change, Clinical practice, Pharmacists, Cpls
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