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Nitrous oxide flux from stored solid dairy manure

Posted on:2000-05-18Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Brown, Heather AnneFull Text:PDF
Two studies were conducted on solid dairy manure from the Elora Research Station, Elora, Ontario, to determine the potential for nitrous oxide (N{dollar}sb2{dollar}O) production during the storage term. In one study, a laboratory flow-through chamber method was employed to quantify the N{dollar}sb2{dollar}O flux continuously, from solid dairy manure in a temperature-controlled environment. Factors that affect N{dollar}sb2{dollar}O production, such as percent water content and redox potential, were also monitored. In another study, a micrometeorological mass balance technique quantified the N{dollar}sb2{dollar}O flux from the same manure pile under field conditions for 8 days of semi-continuous measurement.; N{dollar}sb2{dollar}O was generated in a shallow layer beneath the surface of the manure pile, and fluxes were highest at water contents between 55 and 70% and redox potentials between 150 and 250 mV. The micrometeorological mass balance method measured a mean daily flux of 0.40 g N{dollar}sb2{dollar}O-N m{dollar}sp{lcub}-2{rcub}{dollar} day{dollar}sp{lcub}-1{rcub}{dollar}. Fluxes were elevated after a rainfall.
Keywords/Search Tags:Solid dairy, Flux, Manure, N{dollar}sb2{dollar}o
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