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Physiological and growth responses of grassland species to elevated carbon dioxide and increased nitrogen supply with emphasis on symbiotic nitrogen fixers vs. non-fixers

Posted on:2002-10-07Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of MinnesotaCandidate:Lee, Tali DeliusFull Text:PDF
Although rising atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and increasing nitrogen (N) deposition are well-documented global changes, their interactive effects on vegetation are not well understood. This thesis characterizes the physiological and growth responses of perennial grassland species to combinations of atmospheric CO2 and N treatments. Mechanisms operating at leaf, whole-plant, and community levels were studied using species adapted to N-limited habitats with emphasis on species capable of accessing atmospheric N through symbiotic N2 fixation.; The response of leaf-level gas exchange was measured for 13 species in field plots exposed to ambient (368 μmol mol−1) and elevated (560 μmol mol−1) CO2 concentrations combined with unamended and enriched (+4 gN m−2 yr −1) N treatments. All species showed pronounced photosynthetic acclimation resulting in minimal stimulation (7%) of photosynthesis with CO 2 enrichment. Elevated CO2 decreased stomatal conductance (24%), leading to increases in intrinsic water-use efficiency. Increased N supply did not affect leaf-level responses to elevated CO2. The substantial acclimation of photosynthesis was associated with decreases in stomatal conductance and leaf N in response to CO2 enrichment.; To further investigate the effect of N availability on the CO2 response, growth and physiological responses to elevated CO2 were compared between an N2-fixer and a non-N2-fixer across a range of N additions in a growth chamber study. The N2-fixer derived 32% more N from symbiotic N2 fixation and accumulated 80% more biomass, regardless of N addition, under elevated compared to ambient CO2. In contrast, the growth response to CO2 enrichment of the non-N2-fixer was limited at low N.; The hypothesis that N2-fixers will alleviate N-limitations on the CO2 responses of plants and communities was evaluated in multi-species field assemblages. Photosynthesis and plant and soil N status were enhanced by the presence of an N2-fixer, however this did not facilitate greater responses of non-N2-fixers to elevated compared to ambient CO2.; Interspecific variation in acclimation of photosynthesis to CO2 enrichment and N availability, and the contrasting growth responses of N2-fixers and non-N2-fixers, will be important determinants of the response of vegetation to future environments. Furthermore, species interactions may critically modify plant and community responses to these global changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Responses, Species, Elevated, Nitrogen, -fixer, Symbiotic, Physiological
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