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The influence of lineaments and hydrogeologic setting on water well yield in Lebanon and southern Dauphin counties, Pennsylvania

Posted on:2003-02-14Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Robinson, Jeremy ScottFull Text:PDF
A study of 1100 water wells in Lebanon and southern Dauphin Counties, Pennsylvania was conducted to determine the relationships of several hydrogeologic variables, especially lineaments, to water well yield. This project will likely improve the use of ground water exploration techniques in the area.; The primary well groups studied were 493 business/large-diameter public supply wells, and 522 domestic-agriculture supply wells. Clastic terrane wells produce higher yields than carbonate and igneous terrane wells. Wells located near any fault type produce greater yields than wells further away. Lineaments relate better to well yield for business/public supply wells than for domestic-agriculture wells. Clastic and carbonate terrane wells located near short-straight lineaments produce higher yields in the business/public supply well group than more distant wells. Karst development also relates to well yield, with higher cave density and low depression density associating best with high well yield.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yield, Water, Wells, Lineaments
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