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Revealing the trace; or how Mr. Grant mows his lawn (Texas)

Posted on:2004-03-28Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Benech, Lauren NicoleFull Text:PDF
What began as an interest in exploring the possibilities and physical implications of an entirely interior expansion developed into a closer examination of what the characteristic components of an interior atmosphere are. This environment is a moving and dynamic one even at its most inactive moments. In an attempt to more accurately describe this space, a series of chrono-photographic studies documents a range of daily tasks and typical domestic scenarios.; These material studies are catalysts for the exploration of program and site that demand close attention to motion, time, speed, and trace—a site of inscription.; The motel is such a place. It is an opportunity for architecture to become a recording device. Because of the nature of this program, there exists layer upon layer of use and narrative, erased daily by vacuum cleaners, dusters, and yard maintenance.; The case study for the project is Grant's Palm Court Motor Inn (8200 South Main Street Houston, Texas). The thesis is an exploration into the unique formal and programmatic features of this place, and its inherent ability to arouse curiosity and generate new sites for human intimacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture
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