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Perceptions of the potential impact of climate change on the boreal forest of Saskatchewan

Posted on:2004-10-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of Regina (Canada)Candidate:Nutsukpui, BernardFull Text:PDF
GTID:2463390011474359Subject:Physical geography
This thesis surveys views and attitudes about climate change and its potential effects on the boreal forest of Saskatchewan. An opinion survey based on questionnaires was conducted on three categories of respondents: forest managers in Prince Albert, forest researchers of the Canadian Forest Service in Edmonton, and the general public in Prince Albert. A systematic random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of the respondents from the general public in Prince Albert. A thorough review of existing information and available literature on climate change and the boreal forest was also included in this study. It appears that the scientific community is of the consensus that some warming of the Earth's climate is currently under way and that this climate change will have a variety of economic, social and environmental ramifications from which Saskatchewan is not expected to be spared. The results of the research indicate that all three groups of survey respondents are of the consensus that the climate is changing and will soon have a significant effect on the boreal forest of Saskatchewan. Human-induced greenhouse gases were mentioned by all three categories of respondents as the leading cause of climate change. In addition, forest managers, forest researchers, and the general public agree that the boreal forest of Saskatchewan is not being managed well enough to be able to withstand the likely effects of the potential climate change. Each group of respondents emphasized the importance of the boreal forest to the economy, the environment, and the people of Saskatchewan, and thus called for sustainable forest management measures towards reducing the vulnerabilities of the boreal forest. They also suggest mitigative and adaptive strategies towards reducing climate change impacts. This research offers the public the opportunity to express their views and to contribute their local knowledge as far as climate change and forest management are concerned.
Keywords/Search Tags:Climate change, Forest, Saskatchewan, Potential
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