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A social architectural consideration of the porch

Posted on:1996-08-30Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Burke, Beth A. HaleyFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014986144Subject:American Studies
The porch, introduced to United States architecture as a hedge against heat and rain, was embraced for its functionality and decorativeness. Its popularity was greatest in the Victorian era. At other times its position and popularity shifted.;Technology hastened the pace of life, society changed in attitudes, and styles evolved. But reminiscences about porch sitting often show that the porch has come to be regarded as an archetypal image of the kind of activity engaged in throughout America when life was simpler. Transcripts of oral reminiscences provide some basis for this observation.;This thesis incorporates personal perceptions substantiated by authoritative references in considering architectural aspects and the social relevance of the porch.
Keywords/Search Tags:Porch
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