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Rate of condensation of water on evaporator tube

Posted on:1997-01-05Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Texas A&M University - KingsvilleCandidate:Bhalavat, Mitesh CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014982284Subject:Mechanical engineering
Processes of heat transfer accomplished by phase change are more complex than simple heat transfer between fluids. A phase change involves the addition or subtraction of considerable quantities of thermal energy at constant or nearly constant temperature.;Vapor condensing on the surface of the cold tubes is an important phenomenon for the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. A thermodynamic study is made and using heat transfer coefficient the rate of condensation is measured for various parameters. Also, a computer program is prepared to give the rate of condensation of water on tubes for different physical quantities of air.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rate, Condensation, Heat transfer
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