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The genres of the Dead Sea War Scroll

Posted on:1998-06-15Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Mid-America Baptist Theological SeminaryCandidate:Parker, James OsborneFull Text:PDF
The dissertation "The Genres of the Dead Sea Scroll" investigates the various literary forms that are contained within the War Scroll, 1QM. This investigation seeks to determine the dependence of the War Scroll on the biblical text, the date, origin, and history of the scroll, the War Scroll's relationship to the Book of Daniel, the identity of the sect, and the purpose of the establishment of the Dead Sea community called Qumran.; The writer's thesis is that the War Scroll originated from a Babylonian/Persian Jewish postexilic milieu, ca. 200 B.C. Because of the eschatological outlook of the scroll, the writer suggests that the War Scroll was the seminal document of the Qumran sect. The writer further asserts that the sect returned to Palestine (Qumran) for the purpose of fighting the eschatological battle depicted in the scroll, which would be the war to end the ages. The writer postulates that the tactics, weaponry, and formations that are alluded to in the War Scroll are better identified with Hannibal's Macedonian army at the Battle of Cannae in 216 B.C.; Chapter 1 is an introduction that includes motivation, relevance, purpose, and methodological concerns. Chapter 2 presents pertinent aspects of the War Scroll such as the history of the scroll, probable authors of the scroll, biblical influences, dating, and messianic anticipation. Chapter 3 discusses eschatology as one of the genres of the scroll. Included is the biblical antecedent for eschatology, theological issues that identify this genre, and the contributions that the War Scroll makes to the understanding of the eschaton in Second Temple Judaism. Chapter 4 outlines the holy war tradition and the divine warrior motif and demonstrates its inclusion in the War Scroll. The inclusion of the holy war tradition and divine warrior motif is demonstrated through the distinctive language used to describe them in the biblical text and which is also included in the War Scroll. Chapter 5 examines apocalyptic as a genre and compares the War Scroll text to both biblical apocalyptic and pseudipigraphal apocalyptic. Chapter 6 compares the War Scroll to ancient war manuals to determine if the War Scroll was indeed written as a war manual. Modern tactical theories regarding ancient warfare are also explored. Chapter 7 investigates other genre strands that are apparent in the War Scroll text. Included among these is material relative to the priests and their functions, execration references, theological material, and the presentation of angels. Chapter 8 concludes the dissertation with a summary and conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:War, Scroll, Dead sea, Genre, Chapter
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