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The secret mission of Noel Buxton to Bulgaria, September, 1914--January, 1915

Posted on:1999-08-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Zienius, Charles RaymondFull Text:PDF
This thesis is devoted to an unsuccessful mission to Sofia undertaken in the fall of 1914 by Noel Buxton, a Liberal British M.P., who aimed to win Bulgaria over to the side of the Triple Entente. Although referred to on occasion in works having to do with the conduct of British foreign policy during the First World War, the affair has never before been described in full. Through a close examination of hitherto unexploited material from Buxton's own archive, it has been possible to reconstruct the evolution of the mission, analyze its contemporary significance, and suggest its relevance to current trends towards the moralization and democratization of diplomacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mission
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