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The effect of aerodynamic posture on work of breathing in cyclists

Posted on:2000-01-08Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Florida Atlantic UniversityCandidate:Hilbert, Scott CharlesFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014962282Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of an aerodynamic racing posture on the work of breathing during cycling. Nine moderately trained cyclists performed three maximal exercise tests on a cycle ergometer using three different commonly used riding positions. The positions used were vertical (V) with back upright and perpendicular to the ground, horizontal (H) with the upper third of the back parallel to the ground and elbows on the "aero-bars," and with hands on the drop bars and back at a 45-degree angle to the ground (45). Total work of breathing (WOB), oxygen consumption (VO{dollar}sb2{dollar}), tidal volume (V{dollar}sb{lcub}rm T{rcub}{dollar}), minute ventilation (V{dollar}sb{lcub}rm E{rcub}{dollar}), and breathing frequency (f) were measured. There were no significant differences in WOB, VO{dollar}sb2{dollar}, V{dollar}sb{lcub}rm T{rcub}{dollar} V{dollar}sb{lcub}rm E{rcub}{dollar}, or f between any position at 70% of maximal exercise or at maximal exercise. Therefore, an aerodynamic posture is not associated with an increased work of breathing in cyclists.
Keywords/Search Tags:Breathing, Work, Aerodynamic, Posture, Maximal exercise
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