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The conservation of heritage railway stations in Canada

Posted on:2000-10-19Degree:MEDType:Thesis
University:DalTech - Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Hayes, Jeffrey AndrewFull Text:PDF
This project addresses the conservation of the remaining heritage railroad stations in the country and provides recommendations for improvements to the conservation standards for these stations. As it is difficult to make any decisions about the management of cultural assets prior to understanding their scope and context, a historical background is provided on the evolution of railways and stations in this country, as well as the present state of the remaining stations in the country and attitudes towards their conservation. A methodology is described to determine the historical attributes of stations in the country based on physical, historical and environmental attributes, as well as current standards for station conservation efforts in this country and elsewhere for comparative value. Finally, a summary of available funding sources for station rehabilitation projects is reviewed, and a set of recommendations for improvements to standard conservation principles is proposed. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Conservation, Stations, Country
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