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Wind effects on the performance of a SolarwallRTM collector: An experimental study on a SolarwallRTM at the Canadian Coast Guard Base in Prescott, Ontario

Posted on:2001-06-15Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Royal Military College of Canada (Canada)Candidate:Meier, Robert MFull Text:PDF
An experimental study was carried out on a SolarwallRTM system to determine what effects wind has on its performance. Solarwall RTM, a type of unglazed solar transpired collector, is a relatively new technology that reduces energy consumption and operating costs associated with heating fresh intake air for ventilation purposes. The wall of the building on which the transpired solar collector is mounted is usually subjected to the natural buffeting and turbulence of wind. This three-dimensional flow of wind around a building and its effects on the performance of a Solarwall RTM system were examined.;An experimental set-up was put in place on a newly installed Solarwall RTM at the Canadian Coast Guard Base in Prescott, Ontario, Canada. Instrumentation to measure temperatures, collector outlet flow rates, solar radiation, wind speed, and wind direction was put in place and data were logged on site using a data acquisition system. An ultrasonic anemometer was also placed in the centre of the SolarwallRTM to study the three dimensional flow close to the wall. Output data were analysed using a statistical software package. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Wind, RTM, Solarwallrtm, Effects, Performance, Experimental, Collector
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