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Finite element analysis of a composite aerodynamic bicycle handlebar

Posted on:2002-11-04Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Xie, LingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014951643Subject:Mechanical engineering
An analytical and experimental investigation was conducted to study the design of three different types of aerobars for a composite bicycle.;A Finite Element Analysis software was used for the analysis of the aerobars. Maximum tensile and compression stresses were found in the aerobars that were subjected to three kinds of static load.;A laboratory fabrication method for the aerobar bar-ends was developed, and some sample aerobar bar-ends were made for experimental verification of the analytical results.;The Bicycle Components Test Device was used to perform static tests on the sample aerobar bar-ends under two static load conditions.;Combining the analytical and experimental results, a better understanding of the design and critical problems in the aerobars was obtained.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aerobars, Analytical, Experimental, Bicycle
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