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Communicating landscape architecture: A model for interpersonal theories of practice

Posted on:2002-08-24Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Sommerville, Shiona LianneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014950830Subject:Landscape architecture
An emerging body of writing about communicative practice explains that design professionals need to have interpersonal theories, as well as technical theories, to work effectively with the public. This study contends public participation in landscape architecture is in need of interpersonal theories to explain the intuitive work of practitioners. Therefore, this study aims to identify interpersonal aspects of public participation that are important to the practice of landscape architecture from the perspective of practitioners.;Five landscape architects offer their accounts of one case of public participation in focused interviews. An analysis of interview transcripts identifies nine considerations to encompass key interview responses. The nine considerations are collated to evolve a model for interpersonal theories of practice in landscape architecture. The results of this case reflect practitioners' abilities and actions, and suggest a trend towards recognition for communicative practice in the profession of landscape architecture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape architecture, Interpersonal theories, Practice
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