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A distributed ocean modeling system: DOMES

Posted on:1998-06-25Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Shaunak, Sujay KumarFull Text:PDF
There has been a renaissance of interest in the application of CFS (Computational Field Simulation) technologies to computational ocean modeling. This new enthusiasm, however, has yet to provide ocean modelers with the computational tools which they need to effectively perform their simulations in a timely manner. To this end, a comprehensive system, DOMES (Distributed Ocean Modeling System) has been developed. As a system, DOMES is composed of several modules linked by a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The modules presented are: input-output, grid generation, visualization, and network. Particular emphasis has been placed on the grid generation module, which allows modelers to create either Cartesian, curvilinear orthogonal, curvilinear non-orthogonal, or unstructured grids. The system uses the Motif and OpenGL standards and provides the modelers with links to commonly used oceanographic databases; these features allow the modeler to use DOMES effectively with a minimal knowledge of the CFS process, particularly the grid generation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ocean modeling, DOMES, System, Grid generation
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