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Jet propulsion in anisopteran dragonflies and its relationship to morphology and life styl

Posted on:1999-10-08Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:Price, Marvin LaneFull Text:PDF
Burst swimming speed was established for five species of dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera) larvae. Speed was positively correlated with body mass for all species and weight-adjusted species-specific effects were demonstrated.;Since these larvae jet propel themselves through water, their locomotor performances reflect the drag they experience and the thrust they generate. Drag was measured and quadratic smoothing was used to establish unique mathematical relationships between drag and both mass and speed for each species.;Maximum thrust capacity was inferred for each species by using the drag calibration surfaces to estimate the drag an individual experienced at its maximum burst speed. Weight-adjusted residuals of the longest, widest and highest dimension of the head, thorax and abdomen of each individual were examined by principal components analysis. This research establishes relationships between morphology, behavior and performance capacity in Anisoptera larvae.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drag, Larvae, Speed, Species
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