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On the digital re-design of an analogue missile flight control system using PIM method

Posted on:2001-10-21Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Ng, Chuk ManFull Text:PDF
This research examines some of the ways to design a digital control system with particular reference to the control of yaw plane dynamics of an air-to-air missile model. Specific attention is paid to compare two methods of global digital re-design of validated analogue closed loop control system. These two methods are the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) Plant Input Mapping (PIM) method and multi-loop PIM method. The thesis will first show how a specific class of closed loop MIMO feedback systems with a single-input multi-output (SIMO) plant can be re-structured as multi-loop control systems, which includes the closed loop missile control system. Some special characteristics pertaining to SIMO systems for control system design are explored. The aforementioned two methods of PIM global digital re-design are then applied to the MIMO analogue missile control system and its re-structured multi-loop counterpart. A comparison of the two methods is made on its design procedure, implementation structure and results from computer simulation.; This thesis also touches upon the topic of controller order reduction, particularly in consideration of the PIM digital re-design of analogue feedback systems. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Control system, PIM, Digital, Analogue, Missile, Two methods
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