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Links between Pc5 wave activity and the solar wind

Posted on:2003-11-22Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Baker, Gregory JosephFull Text:PDF
A survey of ten years of CANOPUS magnetometer data yielded 3334 Pc5 pulsations. Almost all of these pulsations occurred in two localized regions centered at 08:00 and 16:00 MLT. Fewer occurred in the post-noon region than in the pre-noon region, and all occurred at auroral latitudes. Pre-noon occurrence was found to depend on solar wind proton density, flow speed, and IMF Bz, while post-noon occurrence was independent of these solar wind parameters. Polarization and propagation characteristics indicated an anti-sunward propagation pattern with a polarization reversal across noon, consistent with anti-sunward propagating source disturbances on the magnetopause. Additional pre-/post-noon asymmetries provided strong evidence that the sources of the pulsations are cavity modes and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in the post- and pre-noon regions, respectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pulsations, Solar
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