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Options for replacement of greenhouse gas refrigerants with sustainable alternatives that have a less deleterious effect on the environment and living organisms

Posted on:2003-01-29Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Fraser, Hugh MarloweFull Text:PDF
The environmental issues arising from the use of chlorofluorocarbons, and subsequently hydrofluorocarbons, as refrigerants in North American mean that alternate refrigerants have to be found that will meet society's needs while at the same time sustaining the environment for the long-term. Having investigated the essential qualities for refrigerants for use in Maritime Command Pacific, hydrocarbons and ammonia were compared to the present refrigerants (chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons) with respect to such factors as cost, ozone depletion potential, global warming potential, latent heat capacity, leak detection, availability, production by-products, flammability, toxicity when burnt, and atmospheric lifetime. The conclusion reached is that ammonia for large air conditioning units and hydrocarbons for main refrigeration plants will meet environmental standards and provide a superior service at lower cost.
Keywords/Search Tags:Refrigerants
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