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Corrosion of high-chromium and conventional steels embedded in concrete

Posted on:2004-01-12Degree:M.S.M.EType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Nachiappan, VijayakumarFull Text:PDF
Corrosion of steel in concrete structures sometimes led to the unexpected failure of the concrete bridges in United States before their intended service life. High-chromium steel has been developed as a replacement for conventional steel in concrete because it may have a capability to retard the corrosion rate. In the present study, high-chromium and conventional steels were subjected to accelerated corrosion, and compared for their corrosion performance under chloride environment.; Corrosion rates of high-chromium and conventional steel rebars were compared by conducting two studies. One was with concrete blocks and the other was with bare steel rebars. In the former study, concrete blocks which had been made with two different steel rebars were placed in sodium chloride solutions and air was blown through the solutions to accelerate corrosion of the steel rebars. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Steel, Corrosion, Concrete, High-chromium and conventional
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