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Land area and storage requirements for wind and solar generation to meet the United States hourly electrical demand

Posted on:2004-11-23Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Victoria (Canada)Candidate:Love, MurrayFull Text:PDF
This thesis uses the IESVic Energy System Model to estimate the minimum land area and energy storage requirements for wind or solar photovoltaic electricity generation systems to meet the entire electric demand of the United States in the year 2000. Twenty-four locations were modelled, both singly and in various combinations, using hourly climate data for the years 1981–1990. Solar photovoltaic systems have lower land area and storage capacity requirements than wind systems, but higher nominal power output capacities. The land areas required for the generating systems are far in excess of those for conventional energy technologies, and the storage system alone rivals the entire current generating system in size. If built, an actual renewable generation/energy storage system of this type would likely be far larger than estimated here.
Keywords/Search Tags:Storage, Land area, Requirements, Wind, System, Energy, Solar
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