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Numerical techniques used in droplet evaporation modeling

Posted on:2004-10-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Shearrer, Robert DFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents the development of an explicit solution for the velocity value in the convective transport term of the governing equations of a multiple component-evaporating droplet. A FORTRAN subroutine is written for the droplet evaporation-modeling program MULTEVAP that is used to predict evaporation rate, droplet temperature and concentration profiles in a multi-component, evaporating droplet. The droplet is represented by the coupled species mass balance and thermal energy balance. Accurate prediction of the concentration profiles requires the solution of the convective transport term in the governing equations. A spatial resolution analysis shows good convergence when 100 nodes are used in the liquid phase. The gas phase velocity values calculated by MULTEVAP are compared to those calculated using a pseudo-steady state analysis. The velocity values reported by MULTEVAP differ slightly in value from those reported in the pseudo-steady state analysis. The source of the difference in reported values is investigated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Droplet, Used
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